Ronald A. Peterson
"Sensing Meets Mobile Social Networks: The Design, Implementation and Evaluation of the CenceMe Application" by Emiliano Miluzzo, Nicholas D. Lane, Kristóf Fodor, Ronald A. Peterson, Hong Lu, Mirco Musolesi, Shane. B. Eisenman, Xiao Zheng, Andrew T. Campbell, To appear in Proc. of 6th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys '08), Raleigh, NC, USA, Nov. 5-7, 2008.
"Transforming the Social Networking Experience with Sensing Presence from Mobile Phones" (Demo Abstract) by Andrew T. Campbell, Shane B. Eisenman, Kristóf Fodor, Nicholas D. Lane, Hong Lu, Emiliano Miluzzo, Mirco Musolesi, Ronald A. Peterson and Xiao Zheng, To appear in Proc. of the 6th ACM International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SENSYS '08), Raleigh, Nov 5-7, 2008.
"Evaluating the iPhone as a Mobile Platform for People-Centric Sensing Applications" by Emiliano Miluzzo, James M. H. Oakley, Hong Lu, Nicholas D. Lane, Ronald A. Peterson, Andrew T. Campbell, To appear in Proc. of Intl Workshop on Urban, Community, and Social Applications of Networked Sensing Systems (UrbanSense08), Raleigh, NC, USA, Nov. 4, 2008.
"The Rise of People-Centric Sensing" by Andrew T. Campbell, Shane B. Eisenman, Nicholas D. Lane, Emiliano Miluzzo, Ronald A. Peterson, Hong Lu, Xiao Zheng, Mirco Musolesi, Kristf Fodor, and Gahng-Seop Ahn, In IEEE Internet Computing: Mesh Networking, pp. 30-39, July/August, 2008.
"CenceMe: Injecting Sensing Presence into Social Network Applications using Mobile Phones" (Demo Abstract) by Andrew T. Campbell, Shane B. Eisenman, Kristof Fodor, Nicholas D. Lane, Hong Lu, Emiliano Miluzzo, Mirco Musolesi, Ronald A. Peterson, and Xiao Zheng, In Proc. of Ninth ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc '08), Hong Kong, May 27-30, 2008.
"CenceMe: Injecting Sensing Presence into Social Network Applications using Mobile Phones" (Demo Abstract) by Andrew T. Campbell, Shane B. Eisenman, Kristóf Fodor, Nicholas D. Lane, Hong Lu, Emiliano Miluzzo, Mirco Musolesi, Ronald A. Peterson, Xiao Zheng, In Proc. of Ninth Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile 2008), Silverado Resort, Napa Valley, CA, USA, Feb 25-26, 2008.
"The BikeNet Mobile Sensing System for Cyclist Experience Mapping" by Shane B. Eisenman, Emiliano Miluzzo, Nicholas D. Lane, Ronald A. Peterson, Gahng-Seop Ahn, and Andrew T. Campbell, In Proc. of Sensys 2007, Sydney Australia, November 6 - 9th 2007. [talk]
"MetroSense Project: People-Centric Sensing at Scale" by Shane B. Eisenman, Nicholas D. Lane, Emiliano Miluzzo, Ronald A. Peterson, Gahng-Seop Ahn, and Andrew T. Campbell, In Proc. of Workshop on World-Sensor-Web (WSW 2006), pp. 6-11, Boulder, CO, October 31, 2006. [poster] talk]>
"People-Centric Urban Sensing" (Invited Paper) by Andrew T. Campbell, Shane B. Eisenman, Nicholas D. Lane, Emiliano Miluzzo, Ronald Peterson, In Proc. of Second ACM/IEEE Annual International Wireless Internet Conference (WICON 2006), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 2-5, 2006. talk]>
"Experiments with Robots and Sensor Networks for Mapping and Navigation" by Keith Kotay, Ron Peterson, and Daniela Rus, in Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, Volume 25/2006.
"From Robots to Animals: Virtual Fences for Controlling Cattle" by Zack Butler, Peter Corke, Ron Peterson, and Daniela Rus, in The International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 25, No. 5-6, 485-508 (2006).
"Virtual Fences for Controlling Cows" by Zack Butler, Peter Corke, Ron Peterson, and Daniela Rus, presented at ICRA04.
"Dynamic Virtual Fences for Controlling Cows" by Zack Butler, Peter Corke, Ron Peterson, and Daniela Rus, presented at ISER 2004.
"Autonomous Deployment and Repair of a Sensor Network using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle" by P. Corke, S. Hrabar, R. Peterson, D. Rus, S. Saripalli, and G. Sukhatme, presented at ICRA04.
"Interacting with Sensor Networks" by Ronald Peterson and Daniela Rus, presented at ICRA04.
"The Kerf Toolkit for intrusion analysis" by Javad Aslam, Sergey Bratus, David Kotz, Ronald Peterson, Daniela Rus, Brett Tofel, in IEEE Security & Privacy 2004. The Kerf Project Website
"Networked Robots: Flying Robot Navigation using a Sensor Net" by Peter Corke, Ronald Peterson and Daniela Rus, presented at ISRR03, October 2003.
"Distributed Search and Rescue with Robot and Sensor Team" by G. Kantor and S. Singh and R. Peterson and D. Rus and A. Das and V. Kumar and G. Pereira and J. Spletzer, presented at the 4th International Conference on Field and Service Robotics, July 2003.
"Interacting with a Sensor Network" by Ronald Peterson and Daniela Rus, presented at Australasian Conference for Robotics and Automation, November 27-28, 2002. Proceedings available on CD-ROM.
"D'Agents: Applications and performance of a mobile-agent system" by Robert S. Gray, George Cybenko, David Kotz, Ronald Peterson, and Daniela Rus in Software Practice & Experience, 2002; 32:543-573. The D'Agents website
"Performance Analysis of Mobile Agents for Filtering Data Streams on Wireless Networks" by David Kotz, Guofei Jiang, Robert Gray, George Cybenko, Ronald Peterson, Martin Hoffman, Daria Chacon, Kenneth Whitebread, and James Hendler, published in ACM Mobile Networks and Applications, April, 2002, pp 163-174.
"Mobile-Agent versus Client/Server Performance Scalability in an Information-Retrieval Task" by Robert S. Gray, David Kotz, Ronald Peterson, Joyce Barton, Martin Hoffman, Daria Chacon, Peter Gerkin, Jeff Bradshaw, Maggie Breedy, Renia Jeffers, and Niranjan Suri, published in Mobile Agents 5th International Conference Proceedings, December 2001, pages 229-243.
"Performance Analysis of Mobile Agents for Filtering Data Streams on Wireless Networks" by David Kotz and Guofei Jiang and Robert Gray and George Cybenko and Ronald A. Peterson. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM 2000), pages 85-94, August, 2000. ACM Press.